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Core to floor therapy is the first preventative and corrective solution to address your entire core muscle group by improving your strength, balance, posture, and potentially, alleviate back pain! We utilize two HIFEM therapies to strengthen, firm and tone your abdomen and pelvic floor muscles and pelvic floor dysfunction. The result is increased muscle hypertrophy and hyperplasia and restoration of neuromuscular control, which can improve your strength, balance and even incontinence....the ultimate, non-surgical, pelvic floor treatment.

stats to consider

  • After the age of 30 we lose roughly 3% to 5% of our muscle mass per decade!
  • 26% of people with back discomfort blamed weak muscles or a lack of exercise.
  • 67% of women with abdominal separation (Diastasis Recti) have
  • pelvic floor disorder.
  • Only 55% of adults engage in enough physical activity to achieve health benefits!
  • Another staggering figure, Every 11 seconds, an older adult is treated in the emergency room for a fall!

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Even the smallest daily tasks can become more difficult as a sedentary lifestyle can lead to a decrease in bone density and lean muscle mass, tightened hip muscles, and an overall loss in muscle strength.

Looking for skincare and weight solutions? Visit Wrinkle and Weight in Westerville, Ohio, and earn referral rewards!

EMSELLA utilizes High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology to stimulate deep pelvic floor muscles and restore your neuromuscular control. Each EMSELLA session brings thousands of supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are extremely important in re-education of your muscles.

One of the best parts of an EMSELLA treatment, is that you remain fully clothed during treatment and there is absolutely, NO downtime!...and research
reports that
95% of treated patients have reported significant improvement in their quality of life after utilizing EMSELLA.


This, cutting edge, technology is helping people of all genders looking to improve mild to moderate urinary incontinence and/or overall sexual health.

Check out the video below to see how EMSELLA technology works!

EMSELLA combined with EMSCULPT NEO offer the "ultimate"

 in core to floor therapy!

Dr. Mantor’s Wrinkle and Weight Solutions, LLC in Westerville, a suburb of Columbus, Ohio, offers complimentary consults and trial sessions of these amazing devices so you can try them out. Our goal is to help YOU restore core to floor health by restoring your core and pelvic floor muscles, and help you enjoy your best life with less pain, improved balance confidence and improved intimacy

with your partner.

Give us a call today to set up your consult and trial session at


or schedule with the link below.

#corehealth #pelvicfloor #pelvicfloorhealth #coretofloor #coretofloortherapy #emsellacahir #kegelthrone #emsculpt #emsculptneo #bodybybtl #nonsurgicalincontinencetreatment

Free trials available! Reduce Diastasis Recti with EMSCULPT NEO & EMSELLA in Westerville, Ohio.

check out the videos below and learn more about how emsella has been life changing for them!

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